The poster and video for the DEVIL benchmark are now available on the respective project page.

About Me
I am a Senior Computer Vision Engineer at SafelyYou. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where I was advised by Prof. Jason J. Corso and Prof. Honglak Lee. My graduate research explored conditional video generation as applied to tasks like video prediction, inpainting, and style transfer. I am fortunate to have interned at several companies, including Samsung, Toyota Research Institute, IBM, and MathWorks.
In 2015, I graduated summa cum laude from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, where I received B.S. degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics. At UMass, I did research as part of the RIPPLES lab under Prof. W. Richards Adrion and Prof. Paul E. Dickson. I worked on various aspects of the lab's Presentations Automatically Organized from Lectures (PAOL) system, including video conversion, whiteboard processing, multithreading, and the graphical user interface. For my Honors Thesis project, I proposed and evaluated a novel technique for segmenting whiteboard marker strokes in real time. Additionally, I was briefly a member of the Center for e-Design under the instruction of Prof. Jack C. Wileden and Prof. Sundar Krishnamurty, where I worked on a program that converted models between Computer-Aided Design systems.
Selected Publications
![]() IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2022
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![]() IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2021
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![]() IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2020
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![]() International Conference on Learning Representations (Workshop Track), 2018
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![]() IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2017
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Awards and Honors
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship - Honorable Mention (UMich)
- Outstanding Achievement in Artificial Intelligence Award (UMass)
- Honors Dean's Award (UMass)
- Honors Research Grant (UMass)
- Research Assistant Fellowship (UMass)
My paper “The DEVIL is in the Details: A Diagnostic Evaluation Benchmark for Video Inpainting” has been accepted to CVPR 2022!
I will be joining SafelyYou as a Senior Computer Vision Engineer starting May 2022!
I will be working with Toyota Research Institute in Cambridge, MA as a contractor starting January 2022.
I have released the new Diagnostic Evaluation of Video Inpainting on Landscapes (DEVIL) benchmark, which you can use to evaluate video inpainting methods. Links to the code and the arXiv paper can be found on the project website.